From an early age most of us are encouraged to save. Do you remember your first piggy bank or opening a savings account at your local bank or Post Office as a child? Whether we are putting our money in a piggy bank, or into a multinational investment company, our aims are broadly the same; to provide for our future needs, and to protect ourselves against unexpected causes of expenditure.
The first question you need to ask yourself is why do you want to save or invest? I would suggest you consider it simply as a three tier approach, emergency funds, your short term needs/wants and then your medium to longer term investment needs.
Short term savings are generally funds that you set aside, but can be accessed relatively quickly. The most common way of ‘saving’ is into a bank account (‘deposit’ account) where the money can be accessed in an emergency, and for every £1 you put in, you will get £1 back and possibly some interest. At Goldstone Wealth we would suggest that you have an emergency fund in place of around £3,000 before you consider moving to the next level. After your emergency fund is in place your savings for shorter term needs are often for a specific need or purchase, like funding a holiday abroad or a new car within a couple of years term for example. Investments are designed to be held for a longer term, usually at least 5 years. People will often put in place investments to plan for medium to longer term goals for example funding University fees for their children or helping them plan financially in retirement. You will need to be comfortable with putting aside this money for a longer period of time, and should not consider investments unless you have some savings in place. Most investments are not guaranteed to return your money in full, although do offer the prospect of potentially higher returns than deposit accounts. Returns, risk and volatility are the factors that will determine a suitable place for your money.
If you feel that investing is right for you then you will need to consider how and where your money should be invested to give you the best chance of meeting your future financial goals. That is where independent financial advice with Goldstone Wealth Management can help. After understanding your goals, and assessing your attitude to risk, we will create and recommend a suitable portfolio which will put you right on track. We can also review, and align, any existing investment plans you may already have in place too, making sure that your money is doing what is best for you, as well as meeting your current attitude to risk.